
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Gongura mamsam

This Andhra delicacy is my family's favourite. My mom is an expert in making this recipe. Whenever I visit india, I request her to make it. I bring lot of gongura from India, supply enough for atleast 6 months . Now that I am getting it in a store in Toronto, I don't bother much. It is not too hard to make this recipe and you have multiple uses with gongura like gongura pappu, Gongura pachadi, Gongura mamsam, gongura royyalu etc Please check  gongura pachadi, in the blog for more information on Gongura (sorrel) leaves.

Gongura (Sorrel) leaves - 4 bunches
Meat (lamb) - l lb, cut in 1" cubes
Oil - 2 tbsp
Onions - 2, sliced
Chilli powder - 1 tbsp                                      
Coriander powder - 1 tbsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Salt - to taste
Green chillies - 4 sliced
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tbsp
Garam masala pwd - 1/2 tsp

1. Seperate the gongura( sorrel )leaves from stem, wash it with lots of water and allow it to air dry or dry with a clean cloth. Fry them with few drops of oil, until it wilts, mash it until smooth, keep it in a bowl.

2. Heat oil and add onions and green chilies. Fry till onions turn golden brown.
Add ginger garlic paste and fry. Add chilli pwd, coriander powder, turmeric powder and salt. Add meat and fry till it changes colour. Add 1 cup water and cook for 30 minutes on medium flame/ until the meat is soft. 

3. Add the cooked (sorrel) to the meat and mix it throughly. Put the stove on simmer and cook until the oil comes to the top. Add garam masala pwd and mix.

4. Serve with hot steamed rice or roti.

Tip: Gogura leaves are supposed to be sour.  If you find the leaves to be less sour, you can add lemon juice or tomatoes to balance it.


  1. This is great news for me :) Which store in Toronto sells Gongura, please let me know. Thanks.

  2. There are couple of stores selling them like Patel Bros, and Rexdale grocers. It's available only during the season. You need to call and place an order. He can also inform you over the phone if it arrives.

  3. Can we use the green sorrel or do we need the red leaves?



    1. You can use any kind that you find in the market. Just to let you know, Green sorrel will not give the same taste. As the sour intensity is less in it.
