
Friday, November 26, 2010

Red Chilli Garnish

Method:   Select bright red coloured, fleshy, fresh red chillies of different sizes.  Hold the stalk end, leaving about 1/2 inch, cut it length wise towards the tip using a sharp knife. Cut V shaped petals around the chillies.  Place the chilli flowers in cold water immediately, so they swell , firm up and curl. You can  leave the bowl in the fridge until  they are ready to be used. You can create a bigger chilli flower with 'two layers' by placing a smaller chilli flower in the throat of the larger one.

Tip 1: Wear the gloves when handling the Red chillies, these are extremely hot.
Tip 2: I used green onion for the stem.  Cut a piece of green onion and slide it in the stalk.

1 comment:

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