
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Garnishing tips

Please read my earlier posting  "  Importance of Presentation" to know how and why is it important to garnish your food and present it.  By the way, the flower bouquet was made by me.

Onion flower:
I took a red onion for this.  I peeled it, cut the head off and took off  the layers one by one and cut it in zig zag pattern, and arranged them according to the size.

Carrot rose:
I peeled the carrots, sliced them and put in the hot boiling water for a less than a min, so it can be flexible and pliable. Then, I arranged them in a row , overlapping each other and started rolling until I come to an end, then I cut in half and plated it.  For the leaf, I used the peeler and took a strip of carrot, like a ribbon and cut it into the shape of a leaf and trimmed the edges to look like a leaf.

I took a sharp pointy knife and cut it in  a zig zag pattern and opened it the fruit carefully. There you go! you got a beautiful garnish.

Carrot flower:
Take the peeler, cut thin strips out like a ribbon and cut them in the shape of a leaf . cut in various sizes of petals.  Take 2 inch peice of carrot and cut at an angle of 45 deg. to create a slot/ pocket. Go around and create pockets. Now slide the petals into the pockets. Arrange them according to the size .  The smaller ones go on the top. Place immediately in the water.  It will swell and firm up and stays fresh for long.

Beet root:
I cut out the slices of beet root and carrot .Used the cookie cutters shaped like a heart and a flower.  Arranged them.  Use your imagination and create your own, possibilities are endless.

Cut one end of the cucumber like a pointy pencil and peel thin  ribbon like strip ( just like you peel the apple) making sure you get the skin , green colour skin at the edge. Now roll it up like a rose, and place the julianned  carrots in the middle.

Mango peel rose:
This is my own creation.  I was thinking what I could use as garnishing for mango lassi.  I tried to roll  the peel of a mango like a  tomato rose,  it came out perfectly well.

Tomato rose:
Peel the tomato and roll it. The head makes the base to sit on .


  1. hi hepsi,
    all ur receipes are fantastic.butter chicken,meat balls,and especially fruit carving in so many designs,its awesome.its so difficult to carve them but u have done so try to post more so that people like me who dont know any thing will learn easily.

  2. My 1st viist here, and I am so impressed with your beautiful carvings.They are really pretty and very well done. I would like to invite you to participate in the create n carve April event as I think yours carvings would be appreciated by many other bloggers who have an interest in carvings.
    Following your blog as of now.
    Details of April eveent can be found here

  3. Great work, Keep it up..
